Monday, 7 March 2016

Tutorial Sheet# 3&4

    1. In virtual circuit network each packet contains
    a) full source and destination address
    b) a short VC number
    c) both (a) and (b)
    d) none of the mentioned

    2. Multidestination routing
    a) is same as broadcast routing
    b) contains the list of all destinations
    c) data is not sent by packets
    d) none of the mentioned

3. A subset of a network that includes all the routers but contains no loops is called
a) spanning tree
b) spider structure
c) spider tree
d) none of the mentioned

4. The routing processor searches the routing table is called
a) switch fabric
b) buffer
c) table lookup
d) rolling table

5. A Virtual-Circuit Network (VCN) is normally implemented in the
a)session layer
b)data link layer
c) network layer
d) physical layer

6. What is packet filter?

7. What is multi cast routing?


1Q: Which frame completes the entries in the switching tables
a) acknowledgement frame
b) setup frame
c)routing frame

2Q: In a packet-switched network, resources are allocated
a) randomly
b) on demand
c) reserved already
d)both a and c

3Q: Datagram switching is done at the
a)network layer
b) physical layer
c)session layer
d)data link layer

4Q: The identifier that is actually used for data transfer is called the
a) virtual-circuit identifier
b) global address
c) local address

5Q: Global and local addressing are types of
a)WAN network
b)local area circuit network
c)virtual-circuit network
d)MAN network

6Q:What is region?

7Q: What is Bit Stuffing?

Tude will be check on upcoming tutorial day

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